As we finish our second decade our purpose still hasn't changed, which is to help FBO's (faith-based organizations) bridge the "digital divide"! Since faith-based organizations are in virtually every neighborhood they can serve as outlets for digital access, where they're more likely to serve those least likely to be connected. We saw the necessity for this twenty-five years ago and it is even more of a priority today. (Just consider its usefulness during the peak COVID era for "remote" learning, work and health!). So, feel free to explore our site and contact us if you desire any additional information or assistance. Thank you for visiting!
Changes to Website!
Welcome visitors! Thank you for your support and interest over the years. Changes to our site are sometimes needed, with one such change being to our On the Web page. Over time, many of our connections to a particular church have ended due to leadership and membership turnover. We will no longer list individual churches without their updated consent! Please contact us using an "official" email address. We hope to develop and maintain even more mutually respectful connections. Your suggestions are always welcomed. Thank you!
Please report any problems or issues to: siteadmin@thedigitaldivine.info Thank you!